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Episode #57 – Sorority Row

Elliott and Dan are joined by Eric Zuckerman, an actor who’s appeared in many films–including one starring patron saint of flop Gerard Butler–to discuss the slasher film Sorority Row. Meanwhile, in a star-studded podcast, Eric completely fails to give us inside information about Carrie Fisher, Dan is pimped into busting out his Michael Caine impression, […]

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Episode #56 – Whiteout

Tomorrow, celebrate cinematic excellence at The Oscars, but today, celebrate cinematic feculence with our discussion of Whiteout. Meanwhile, Dan gets a strong hook contender, Elliott demonstrates his punning prowess, and Amanda tells the world’s best talking doll story. 0:00 – 0:31 – Introduction and theme 0:31 – 5:00 – We reintroduce guest co-host Amanda Melson, […]

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Episode #55 – The Ugly Truth

Repeat Flop House offenders Gerard Butler and Katherine Heigl team up in The Ugly Truth, a terrible romantic comedy that Stuart really, really wanted us to watch for some reason. Maybe because he’s just an ol’ softie! Meanwhile, Elliott pitches his new hit tragicomedy “Bad Date,” Stuart reveals his NBC sitcom holodeck fantasy, and Dan […]

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Episode #54 – Gamer

Don’t hate the player; hate the game. On second thought, hate the Gamer. Meanwhile, Dan laments the downfall of the previously-dependable entertaining-trash team of Neveldine/Taylor, Matt finds his new super-muscular bĂȘte noir, and Elliott comes up with a much wackier way to end an already wacky movie. 0:00 – 0:36 – Introductions and Theme 0:37 […]

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Episode #53 – Hannah Montana: The Movie

Is this the only time three grown men watched Hannah Montana: The Movie and it wasn’t creepy? (Answer: with Stuart involved, it’s always a little bit creepy.) We spend more time discussing it than the writers spent writing it. Meanwhile, Dan questions the whole premise of teen-by-day/ pop-starlet-by-night, Stuart redefines topical humor, and Elliott re-imagines […]

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The Flop House: Episode #52 – Dragonball: Evolution

If this is Dragonball: Evolution, we’d hate to see Dragonball: Neanderthal (this joke contributed by Milton Berle’s secret joke file). Meanwhile, Dan tries to fill Elliott’s tiny shoes, Stuart discusses the career of Ernie Hudson, and Nigel sounds 10% smarter than either of them. 0:00 – 0:36 – Introductions and Theme 0:37 – 3:47 – […]

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Episode #51 – X-Men Origins: Wolverine

To borrow a line from Patton Oswalt: You like Wolverine? Well, in my movie you get to see Wolverine as a little kid! Meanwhile, Stuart suggests an alternate Wolverine history of the United States, Elliott suggests some novel super-villains, Dan makes Elliott do a spit take, and contest winner Dash has the decency to be […]

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