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Episode #411 – Santa with Muscles, with Alonso Duralde

You’ve heard about Santa? But have you heard about SANTA WITH MUSCLES? No? Well, that’s probably for the best, but we discuss it anyway, with the aid of our ace Christmas correspondent, Mr. Alonso Duralde, who’s become a holiday tradition around these parts.

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Episode #410 – The Flash

We come not to praise the DCCU, but to bury it. Except not TOO aggressively, because there’s some okay stuff in here. We dunno. It’s complicated. Just listen to us discuss one of the multiple multiverse superhero films, and arguably the least noteable: The Flash

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Episode #409 – Mafia Mamma, with Hallie Haglund

When a film hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s a-mamma. Christmas came early for Stuart this year, as we FINALLY get to discuss his new favorite movie, Mafia Mamma. And to sweeten the deal, everyone’s favorite Flop House sometime-co-host and star of the show, Hallie Haglund, dropped by to join in the […]

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Episode #408 – Waterworld, with Todd Vaziri

Special effects WIZARD Todd Vaziri joins us to discuss a flop so EPIC it had multiple nicknames about how it was a flop (but still has some pretty great special effects). That’s right, we’re discussing 1995’s infamous bomb: Waterworld! And don’t worry, fans of more recent bad movie discussion — next episode we leap Back to the Present with a discussion of Mafia Mamma.

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