We continue to exploit our vault of unreleased live shows, with this discussion of The Dark Tower, with special additional guest co-host, Hallie Haglund, the star of the show. And for those who don’t dig live shows, good news! Since next week is Max Fun Drive, we’ll be releasing an EXTRA EPISODE during a week we’d normally be dark. Everyone wins!
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Wikipedia synopsis for The Dark Tower
June 8 – PORTLAND – Revolution Hall
July 13 – MINNEAPOLIS – Parkway
September 28 – BOSTON – WBUR CitySpace (TWO shows in one night)
October 12 – LOS ANGELES – The Regent Theater
Stuart may be referring to St Augustine’s doctrine that if it weren’t for the Fall (when sin came into the world) our natural urges would not be sinful—we would eat, drink, and reproduce because these were in accord with God’s Will, and not for animal pleasure, but solely for the higher pleasure of acting in accordance with God’s Will. Not even the Catholic Church really seems to believe this any more, though traditionalists like Mel Gibson and and his dad probably do.