Shocktober concludes with the playfully titled The Bye Bye Man, starring the titular Bye Bye Man and some boring people. Meanwhile, Elliott channels Freddy Kreuger to give the Bye Bye Man some advice, Stu explains Dan doesn’t have to pick up floor food, and Dan has some questions about fish blow jobs.
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Wikipedia synopsis for The Bye Bye Man
Movies recommended in this episode
Gerald’s Game
Happy Death Day
Queen of Earth
I’ve made a low-bitrate version of the episode for people with data caps.
It’s available here:
Thanks for this version!
Thanks again.
I’m surprised nobody mentioned the character who is perhaps cinema’s greatest Elliot: Elliot from Scrubs. I mean, they made a movie of that at some point, right?
Man bites dog is Belgian fellas.
This was hilarious. I saw a flyer for “The Pee Pee Poo Poo Man” and it was so funny to me that I had to watch The Bye Bye Man just to understand the joke. The movie was actually a joke though. Terrible horror movie, but definitely fun to make fun of.
Love you guys, but geography is not your strongest suit: Man Bites Dog (C’est arrivé près de chez vous) is a Belgian movie, not French, just like Jacques Brel, Django Reinhardt, JCVD, Matthias Schoenaerts, Poirot and Tintin. The more you know!
What does that have to do with geography?
This is an odd request. It is you guys coming up with a new theme for the movie SHAFT. Plus you need to do this.
Pretend it was done by Simon & Garfunkel.
This is impossible. Thank you for your service (a service that won’t happen).
I don’t think I’ll be able to hear the phrase “bye bye” ever again without cracking up after hearing this episode. The librarian was also the lady cop in Pineapple Express who says, “Mmmmm. Big sexy with glasses” while looking at Seth Rogan’s ID.