SHOCKTOBER continues with a special Halloween TREAT! As part of the MaxFun Great Switcheroo, Justin, Travis, Griffin, and Clint McElroy of The Adventure Zone have taken on Leprechaun: Origins. Meanwhile, if you want to hear the Original Peaches (plus guest star Zhubin Parang) you can find them playing D&D over at The Adventure Zone!
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His name is Clint, not Merle. Merle’s his cleric
Great work, McElroys! I mainly only listen to you guys (Adventure Zone and MBMBaM) and the Flophouse. Even when one of the original peaches is absent and they pull in a guest, I end up skipping that episode. I’ve been waiting for you guys to record this though. I’m really happy you all did a switch with this podcast, and the floppers with Adventure Zone.
Well, it’s no 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown, but it has a thing.
I don’t care what anyone says, Vin Diesel’s voice is F****** TOUCHING!
Great work guys! Definitely gonna check out your regular podcast now, as well as those film recommendations (including Blazing Saddles, even tho I’ve already seen it countless times, because I’m not a depraved and deprived shell of a human)
Have not listened to the McElroys’ regular shows, but will check them out now. Good work, guys.
As for the vintage Floppers, your services will no longer be required.
In actuality: great job playing D&D on The Adventure Zone. You guys should do this again, next year.
Really, though:
This was great and I could have listened to another hour or more. Pity you had to rein yourselves in!
I know Clint was just joking when he said that everyone on the cast seemed like a extra from an episode of supernatural but I just checked their IMDBs and LITERALLY EVERY PERSON ON THE CAST HAS BEEN A CHARACTER ON SUPERNATURAL AT SOME POINT.
Found this gem years later. Awesome! I could listen to Clint and the boys talk about pretty much anything. Still can’t tell Travis and Justin’s voices apart though.