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The Flop House is Taking Memorial Day Off

We’ve been busy with barbecues, beer, and memorializing, so there won’t be a new episode until next weekend. However, we don’t want to leave you loyal listeners with nothing. So, in the meanwhile, why don’t you enjoy the video below. It’s part of Captains in Space, another podcast project of Flop House co-host Dan McCoy […]

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Flop House/ AvP Fan Art

From the Flop House inbox: Dear Flop House, I enjoyed your Dragon Wars and Alien vs. Predator Podcasts. While listening I heard Lou suggest instead of seeing the movie we draw a picture of a fight between the Alien and Predator. I have attached my picture. Kind Regards, Jeremiah In addition to being a genius […]

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Meet the Floppers

Who are these people, and what are they doing on your iPod/Phone/Computer/Telekinetic Implant? Read on to find out.Dan McCoy – Producer/ Co-Host Dan McCoy got hired as a writer for The Daily Show With Jon Stewart in May 2011, rendering the rest of his resume pretty much moot. However, assuming you care, he also created/animated/acted […]

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If You Got Here From Gawker

Uh, hey. Hi. Thanks for dropping by, and thanks to Gawker for their surprising and delightful link to us. We love the attention. We bathe in it like the blood of virgins… or like something less unpleasant. Take a look around. Kick the virtual tires. We hope that you take the time to listen to […]

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SITE ANNOUNCEMENT: We now have forums!

The Flop House Forums are now open. If you want to discuss the show with other followers of the flop, this is your meeting place on the web. Interactivity– it’s what I hear the web’s all about. Well, that and killers stalking you via instant messages.

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We’re Still Here!

There was no new episode in early January, because of the holidays, and then Stuart got bronchitis. However, we plan on getting together and recording a new episode next week, so look for that to come out either in early February, or (if there’s not much editing required) by the end of this month. Sorry […]

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Hello friends — we realize that the most recent Flop House is a little late. It was supposed to come out in late November, but the holidays (and a cold) prevented me from finishing it on time. Last night I was about to post it, when I discovered that a chunk of audio was missing. […]

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