We close out Smalltember with one of our “favorite” genres: the ill-conceived, micro-budgeted computer animated film. And Dwegons and Leprechauns is a horrific, fever dream of a doozy. Meanwhile, Dan remains the master of the unintended double entendre, Stuart ponders what “dweg” means, and Elliott insists we kill a Muppet.
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No Wikipedia page for Dwegons and Leprechauns, as if someone is working to WIPE ALL EVIDENCE OF THIS MOVIE FROM EXISTENCE. (God bless them.)
Movies recommended in this episode
The Flop House in Richmond, IN on 11/3
The Flop House in Madison, WI on 1/26
Elliott has good taste in Hardwired… to Self-Destruct tracks.
Here’s a low-bitrate version for people with data caps!
Thanks again!
After listening to this episode I watched the trailer for Dwegons and Leprechauns. It’s absolutely frightening! You could seriously consider this an early Shocktober episode.
“Dweg on!”
Can’t you see that this is an homage to the Fantastic 4’s Human Torch’s battle cry, “Flame on!” – clearly this film is trying to insert itself into the MCU.
As soon as Elliott said “Fat Albort” I knew this was gonna be a good one.
Oh man, it is free to stream through Amazon Prime! https://www.amazon.com/Dwegons-Leprechauns-Melissa-Leo/dp/B00N4QLNKI
oh, god–“mandy!” i emailed y’all after i saw a screener with a group of friends, thinking you might want to flopify it and no, stuart recommends it instead. can we at least say that maybe you shouldn’t watch “mandy’ alone, either?