We’re doing another podcrawl, along with Read it and Weep and Too Beautiful to Live! They covered the first two of the original Ninja Turtles movies, and we covered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III aka the one where they go back in time and wear samurai garb that is somehow fitted to giant turtles. Meanwhile, Stu reveals Elliott’s diaper secret, Dan has an energy drink scam, and Elliott poses a question about inter-generational incest.
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Wikipedia synopsis for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
Movies recommended in this episode
Lady Bird
Found Footage 3D
Sawdust and Tinsel
Turtles in Thyme is a very simple recipe for spiced turtle. But, that’s not important right now.
Ohhhh this makes me happy. I watched this movie about a hundred times as a kid. Haven’t listened to it yet but there better be some riffing on “shwing”
I did find other movies that have turtle twice in the title:
Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Turtles Awesome Easter
I must say I’m a little surprised that they did an entire episode talking about TMNT and Elliott didn’t once mention “Biker Mice from Mars”.
Frankly, I’m surprised, too.
“We begin in Japan, 1603″… A line said not too long before the time stamp of 16:03!
the challenge was issued, and crappily answered
This episode feels especially relevant, since I just watched the trailer for a new direct-to-video Batman anime movie where he and the Joker travel back in time to Feudal Japan.
So… Elliott mentions he was kicked out of camp once, and no one asks him “Why???” Let the speculations fly!!! 😉
Here’s a low-bitrate version for people with data caps!
Many thanks!
…Scepter expert,
Choking smokers,
Don’t you think the Joker laughs at you!
ho-ho-ho hee-hee-hee ha-ha-ha!
did other people get redirected to some weirdass place when they tried the “read it and weep” link or was that special for me?