We discuss The Last Witch Hunter. All other witch hunters presumably having been herded into the sea by the Red Bull. Meanwhile Meanwhile Elliott explains man-witches, Dan looks to an extreme James Bond to save a wounded nation, and Stuart is obsessed with billiards.
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Wikipedia synopsis for The Last Witch Hunter
Movies recommended in this episode:
I was surprised and disappointed that [i]Trumbo[/i] didn’t cover Dalton Trumbo’s groundbreaking effects work for [i]2001[/i] and [i]Close Encounters[/i]. It was the pinnacle of his craft!
I was surprised and disappointed that Trumbo didn’t cover Dalton Trumbo’s groundbreaking effects work for 2001 and Close Encounters. It was the pinnacle of his craft!
“I almost understood what you were saying, so be careful, that’s all.”: https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=9LD5mga-jDs
Stan Freberg, Sh-Boom
Came her via underwatersex.net
I wish Dan had mentioned that he was not recommending “The Help” because throughout the segment I was just confused and disappointed (I dislike that movie).
The reference to Richard Lewis’ career as the short lived Boku spokesperson made my day! I did think this movie was actually a good bad movie though. I totally watched it during a bout of general malaise a few months ago and found that it took my mind off of things. I would say that this movie might be an okay inflight Dan pick if you are just looking for a little brain vacation. The Chloe character is an actress from GOT (J. Snow’s arrow shot love) and the first evil Man-witch is Cassidy from AMC’s Preacher. Hmmm… Man-witch… is it time for lunch yet?
In an old episode the OPs talked about books about screenwriting. Could you revisit that topic? I can’t remember which episode it was so I figured asking again was a better first try than going through +50 episodes of flophouse, and (here comes a weak rationalization) maybe some new titles are published since then. Thanks!
I can’t explain why, but one of my favorite things ever is when Dan tries to make a saxophone noise? He’s done it a few times (one of them MIGHT have been the Perry Mason theme?) and I can’t explain why his specific version of “saxophone mouth noise” is so funny to me but it’s one of my favorite parts of any episode it happens in. Tell him to do it more often.
So, I tried looking up one of your sponsors, with Siri (as suggested) and ended up at ZipperCooter.
It did NOT provide what I was looking for.
At first.
“Second prize is a set of steak rocks.
Third prize… is yabba dabba doo.”