Hoo boy does Johnny Depp certainly have a mustache in Mortdcai! Meanwhile Dan reads copy off a beer for some reason, Elliott invites George Lucas to stop by, and Stuart recommends a surprising film.
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Wikipedia synopsis for Mortdecai
Movies recommended in this episode:
Mad Max: Fury Road
Need for Speed
Stuart Wellington mystery recommendation
The opposite of “catnip for ladies” is “vacuum cleaner for ladies”.
Great episode, Peaches. Let us know is she said yes! And if she said no, lie to us!
I saw Mad Max Fury Road today, and it blew my balls off. I fucking loved it.I wanted to tell the people in the lobby to go see Mad Max if they were there to see a much worse movie.
Don’t forget too that the guitar player had flames firing out of the end the of guitar neck like a flamethrower.
Get your shod feet off that sofa Depp!
Best letters song(s) ever. Was that a ‘Stonehenge’ reference from “Spinal Tap?
Fury Road was indeed totally crazeballs and totally amazeballs. I saw it last week and I’m still obsessed with it!
Ewan McGregor is a Flophouse first timer, huh?
Have for forgotten already Stone Walks: Episode Du-ey: Attack of the Clowns? (Like, 10 minutes after you mentioned it in the same podcast?)
Elliot’s remark about “drug ’em up” regarding sex is a little Uhhhhhhhhh. I know he meant drugging dinosaurs pre-coitus, but it’s still a roofie joke.