No movie has sexualized pastry so much since American Pie, yet somehow Labor Day is even less erotic than Jason Biggs balls-deep in apple filling. Meanwhile Stuart does some brilliant voice work, Dan loves the versatility of DVDs, and Elliott regales the world with Tales of Ruck.
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Wikipedia synopsis for Labor Day
Movies recommended in this episode:
The Crazies (1973)
The Crazies (2010)
Edge of Tomorrow
Alan Partridge
Who can forget Mark Twain’s classic “The Adventures of Ruckleberry Finn”:
Or Alan Ruck’s starring role in the comedy classic “Night at the Rucks-bury”?
Elliott teases a discussion of a scene in a bank branch that never happened. Now I’ll have to watch this movie myself.
It’s always weird to when taking about noticing girls when he was younger at school since he went to school with Anne Hathaway. It’s weird/neat that he or one of his pals did notice Anne Hathaway and it’s also weird/neat that he or one of his pals didn’t notice her.
From living in Washington, there are weird things about extradition from Canada for a person either convicted or accused of crime that is death penalty eligible. I think in Canada in 1987 (or least pre-2001), if Josh Brolin’s character Frank (where this holiday is called Labour Day?) faced the death penalty, he would be extradited (again I think, not Canadian extradition law). Post-2001, not so much. There was a law and order episode about it that made Canada look awful for not having the death penalty (R-O-C-K in the U-S-A). Although weird that they are closer to Mexico although I guess they’re Anne of Green Gables fans and wanted to live in Prince Edward’s Island.
A manic pixie dream convict?