Hoo boy, this was a tough one folks. How to navigate the Hollywoodization of a real-life trauma with a dash of weird gender politics? Answer — less funny than usual, as we discuss Welcome to Marwen. Meanwhile, Elliott completely misunderstands the etymology of “painstaking,” Dan details the many tones of Marwen, and Stuart bestows Dan with his Looney Tunes identity.
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Wikipedia summary for Welcome to Marwen
Movies recommended in this episode:
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
September 28 – BOSTON – WBUR CitySpace (early show SOLD OUT, but there are still tickets to the later show!)
October 12 – LOS ANGELES – The Regent Theater
The cartoon Elliott mentions is Peace on Earth. Not Looney Tunes but Mel Blanc did the voices.
A lady friend of mine gave me a recommendation to watch “Marwencol” about Thanksgiving of 2013. She said it really helped me understand you. So I checked it out at the library. Obtained the documentary on DVD, then got the book from my sister. Then obtained the Blu-ray. And finally watched the movie in theaters.
At first I was like really hateful to the idea that it wouldn’t be revealed that Mark is a crossdresser. But then I sorta softened my stance. I mean it is pretty difficult to reveal to a woman of being a crossdresser. I ended up buying the movie used and imagine how much better it could have been.
I think it’s because we in the LGBT+ community, especially under the trans- umbrella have the sense since we can’t tell people about our true selves very well. So we collect a LOT of stuff to live out our lives in a miniature world.
Honestly, I think it would have been better if the Wachowski sisters made this movie. They have first hand experience.
BTW, the 1:6th scale Jeep wasn’t a model but using more of a GI Joe toy.
Here’s a low-bitrate version for people with data caps: https://archive.org/details/theflophouseepisode292welcometomarwenlowbitrate
Hey, guys
for watching movies I’m going for only solar movies the available everything for free so that why not weate my time for any you must go watching guys all-new series.
When I first started listening to the episode and heard the disclaimer I was thinking “Why even do the episode in the first place?” but found you guys did a pretty good job with it. Granted I wish you got Stuart to talk more about his personal experiences with diorama making.
I actually really love Elliott’s songs. Also, his hosting of Jewish holidays listed after horror movie nights was the best.