We were so delighted to have longtime Friend-and-Fan-of-Flop, Natalie Walker on the program! We were somewhat less delighted by the film she inexplicably chose, The Haunting of Sharon Tate. Life gives, and life takes. Meanwhile, Stuart hijacks the podcast to discuss the TV show “Younger,” Dan shows his shameful lack of knowledge about the Manson murders, and masterful singer Natalie is somehow delighted by Elliott’s caterwauling.
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Wikipedia page for The Haunting of Sharon Tate
Movies recommended in this episode:
September 28 – BOSTON – WBUR CitySpace (early show SOLD OUT, but there are still tickets to the later show!)
October 12 – LOS ANGELES – The Regent Theater
Here’s a low-bitrate version for people with data caps: https://archive.org/details/flophouseep288hauntingofsharontatelowbitrate