On this episode April Wolfe from Switchblade Sisters and Who Shot Ya? joins us to discuss a direct-to-video movie you’ve probably only heard about if you had HBO back in the early 90’s: Brain Smasher… A Love Story. Meanwhile Elliott reveals his pro-samurai agenda, Stuart reveals his imprisoning Garfield fantasies, and Dan impugns the Muppets’ ability as Broadway hitmakers.
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Wikipedia synopsis for Brain Smasher… A Love Story
Movies recommended in this episode
I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore
Journey Into Fear
They had to give Ed the Brain Smasher an elaborate back-story because otherwise the audience’s suspension-of-disbelief would be _ruined_ by loudly wondering ‘How is this guy not a rocket scientist or some super-rich quant?’.
April has the greatest laugh. That shit is amazing.
me too, I smiled every time she laughed 🙂
Also glad to see “I don’t feel at home in this world anymore” get a shout out. That movie is fantastic.
I really like these guest episodes. Other than freeing the show from the tyranny of what’s been released recently, having the guests (who have been great) bring their favourite movies mean the movies are going to have *something* fun going on!
Why isn’t the guest mic’d?
They felt it necessary to give Ed Brain Smasher a back-story because otherwise the audience would be preoccupied wondering ‘Why is this man not a brain surgeon, or a lyric poet?’.
Big thanks for publishing the episode low-bitrate while I was on vacation!