It’s the moment that the bad movie cognoscenti have been waiting for, as we discuss The Boy Next Door. Meanwhile, Stuart explains the “character” he plays, Dan becomes a proponent of the female gaze, and Elliott describes some of the lesser-known sexually explicit Disney cartoons of the 60’s.
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Wikipedia synopsis for The Boy Next Door
Movies recommended in this episode:
Dan was (mostly) right: there’s a 1991 movie called Virgin High. “A girl gets in trouble with her parents for fooling around with her boyfriend, and they send her to a Catholic girls’ high school.”
Isaac Hayes begs to differ with you guys re: cookies.
Next up, James Brown will tell you about cakes.
Elliott’s volume is about five-times everyone else, haha. He either should sit further from the mic’, while Dan and Stuart get closer, or just turn him down by two-thirds on the mixer. I get super-loud when having fun, too, so I understand Elliott; no dissing meant.
The sentence “generous rapist” killed me.
Chickens existed before human civilisation? Rarely have I heard such an absurdity! Next you’ll be telling me that there were dogs nipping at the heels of dinosaurs! No, Wikipedia (which I learned in this episode that Mr. Kalan is well familiar with!) will be happy to explain to you that the chicken was developed via domestication of the wild red junglefowl of southeast Asia. I hope you will add a “regret the error” section to each episode – that, and fire your fact-checker!
The Duke didn’t want to bounce around, gummiberry juice gave humans super strength. The kid helping the bears would drink it from time to time to lift heavy things or something.
LOL, I scrolled down to make the same comment. Get your facts straight guys!