If you want to take a break from Elliott complaining about bad movies, and see him discuss a good movie (one that you’ll get to see as well!) with special guest British person John Oliver of TV’s The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, then NOW’S YOUR CHANCE. We quote the 92Y Tribeca website:
“W. C. Fields (drunk, blowhard and funniest man in history) stars as the President of Klopstokia, a tiny goat-ridden country where everyone’s an Olympic-level athlete and the women are all named Angela. Join American goofball Migg Tweeny (Jack Oakie) as he discovers the secrets of this strange land and tries to save its beleaguered leader from rebellious cabinet secretaries, spies (sexy and otherwise) and the 1932 Los Angeles Summer Olympics.
Million Dollar Legs is a raucous, corny, grab-bag of a movie that straddles the unsteady line between old-fashioned wacky comedy and near stream-of-consciousness surrealist cinema. Anyone who thinks the comedy of randomness began with Adult Swim or SNL Digital Shorts
should see it.”

A fine companion piece to “Duck Soup”, and a more believable story than our current events.