All Demi Moore

Episode #427 – Disclosure, with Meredith Scardino

We were super-excited to welcome Meredith Scardino, the brilliant writer of a billion comedy things, but most recently the creator and showrunner of the hilarious Girls5Eva. If you haven’t watched, please ask yourself what you’ve been doing with your life, then run over to Netflix to correct your error. We’ll wait. Once you’re done, you’ll be all the MORE excited to hear her discuss 1994’s Disclosure, a film that (in the words of Dan’s Letterboxd) “Begins as a dumb and offensive sexual harassment thriller, then wisely pivots into an offensively dumb techno-thriller.” But what do the other Peaches think? Listen and find out!

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Episode 200 – Nothing but Trouble

It’s the moment we promised would never happen: we watched Elliott and Dan’s stated least-favorite movie of all time, Nothing but Trouble. And to help us out with this special MAX FUN DRIVE episode (donate!), we welcome self-proclaimed minor television celebrity, Mr. John Hodgman. Meanwhile, Elliott breaks out his “Jane Campion accent, Stuart reveals his popcorn secrets, And Hodgman joins in at making fun of Dan’s pronunciation.

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