All Zack Snyder

Episode #428 – Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver

We had to do it. We had to return to that ol’ Rebel Moon to see what happened to all our favorite space pals, like… uh… there was the one guy who trained like, a bird dragon? And, um… Lady Sword-haver? And Charlie Hu– no, wait, he was killed in the first one because he was a traitor. There’s definitely a Scargiver in this one, though. That one we’re 100% on. Oh Zack Snyder. We wish we could quit you. But like, for serious. We’re very tired.

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Episode #338 – Zack Snyder’s Justice League (PART ONE! Acts 1 thru 4)

Look, it was probably inevitable that we’d end up discussing Zack Snyder’s Justice League, and we’ll say this — it is certainly the most Zack Snyder-y Justice League we’ve ever seen (check out of our discussion of the theatrical cut here). In fact, it’s SO Zach Snyder-y that it’s four hours long… so we’ve split our ZSJL episode in TWO! That’s double the discussion of this already over-discussed movie. YOU’RE WELCOME, WORLD!

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Episode 258 – Justice League

With Infinity War breaking records, it’s time to check in with that OTHER cinematic universe, that hath given the Flop House so much, with our look at Justice League. Meanwhile, Stuart reveals Donatello’s government job, Dan misreads the title, and Elliott posits that Batman is the result of inbreeding.

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