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FH Mini 77 – The Flop House: Movie Doctors

As a thank-you for everyone who became a new or upgrading member during Max Fun Drive 2023 or has been a sustaining member for years, we’ve provided some bespoke movie recommendations for some fortunate listeners who reached out in response to our call! (If we didn’t get to yours this time around, fear not! We hope to do more in the future.)

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FH Mini 73 – The 73rd Flop House Mini

Our esteemed host for the mini, Mr. Elliott Kalan, takes Dan and Stu on a tour through Oscar history by quizzing them on some of the most forgettable Best Picture winners of all time

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FH Mini 72 – Numb3r Stat10ns

This is one of the zanier minis we’ve done — so much so, that we kind of don’t even want to spoil it for you. Just take a number, and dive right in!

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