Episode #53 – Hannah Montana: The Movie

Is this the only time three grown men watched Hannah Montana: The Movie and it wasn’t creepy? (Answer: with Stuart involved, it’s always a little bit creepy.) We spend more time discussing it than the writers spent writing it. Meanwhile, Dan questions the whole premise of teen-by-day/ pop-starlet-by-night, Stuart redefines topical humor, and Elliott re-imagines the movie as a taut psychological thriller.

0:00 – 0:34 – Introductions and Theme
0:35 – 3:00 – We welcome Elliott back and, for some reason, Stuart wastes time quizzing him and Dan about current events.
3:01 – 37:24 – We discuss Hannah Montana: The Movie, because surely the audience for that picture was white males in their late twenties to early thirties.
37:25 – 40:27 – Final Judgments (Elliott, Stu, and Dan agree – bad, but inoffensive)
40:28 – 53:49- Our longest letters segment yet, resulting in one of our patented vague Flop House contests.
53:50 – 56:49 – A very short sad bastards recommend.
56:50 – 58:14 – Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Wikipedia synopsis of Hannah Montana: The Movie